The Indiana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2018 Annual Meeting was held at the Forum Conference and Events Center, 11313 USA Parkway Fishers, IN 46037 on April 11 and 12, 2018.
Session Presentations/Handouts
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
- Keynote: Donna Martin, AND President
- Session 1a: Ethics
- Session 1b: Nutrition in Special Populations
- Session 2: Fitting Nutrition Into Your Genes
- Session 3: Omega 3’s Athletes and Brain Health
- Session 3b: Creating a Collaborative Approach between Therapist and RD
- Session 4a: Aquaculture
- Session 5: Fiber Does Much More than Keep you Regular: A Microbial View
- Session 6: Evoking Your Patient’s Motivation
Thursday, April 12, 2018
- Session 1: Reimbursement
- Student Session with John Wagner: Power of Choice
- Session 2: Consumer Perceptions of GMO’s – Hallman
- Session 2: Consumer Perceptions of GMO’s – Beck
- Session 3: Marketing Your Child Nutrition Program