Membership Initiative Team – Katie Shepherd, Membership Chair
IAND Membership Initiative Team Meeting
First Meeting August 3, 2022
Present: Katie Shepherd, Samantha Schaeffer, Sara Kruszynski, Laura Bollinger, Jessica Oakes
Next meeting scheduled 9/15/2022 12-1pm via zoom
- Agenda:
Principles of Affiliation:
Proof that members in district are AND members (need to send current member roster if you cannot determine if members)
Letter in good standing with State as not for profit entity : done every 2 years
Tax forms from past year
Signed contract
Sara, Laura, and Jessica report they were able to turn theirs in to Lorna. Katie will work on hers soon. Due to Lorna by 8/15.
Consider reaching out to all IAND members in your district notifying about membership opportunity. (through spreadsheet sent by Lorna)
Western district has disbanded so the western counties have been distributed among other districts according to closest location
- Review district website. If website needs updates/changes:
- Should get permission to list information of anyone you post to site. Go to site and under member section check you district. Usually include officers, membership information you want to share, newsletter, etc… Need to send information on form found on IAND website under IAND board -“Indiana Academy Website Changes – District Affiliates”. Need list of current district board to put in leadership book too.
Meet with Executive Board, review bylaws, begin planning membership meetings for the year.
Perhaps consider joint district meetings to spread out workload? (hybrid in-person and virtual option) This has been offered in the past and a few members from the neighboring district did attend.
- Need to revisit districts vs. regions
Central district feels that they are a strong district. Northwest and northeast agree that there has been some struggle with engagement and taking on leadership positions. Laura mentioned that people will attend meetings when they are scheduled, but getting members to take on a leadership role is the bigger challenge. Laura and Sara agreed that there has been a lack of onboarding and understanding what the board roles entail. Perhaps if there were some type of video or webinar outlining the different board positions this would help.
- Volunteer opportunity with IDEA team: “Circle the City” with Girl Scouts 9/24
Please encourage membership to volunteer. IDEA team is looking for 2 hour time slot commitments. This will be held at Indiana State Museum so RD’s living in Indianapolis area would be ideal.
- Katie will email IAND strategic plan to team for review. Strategic Plan team would like to finalize document by 8/15.
Public Policy Initiative Team – Krystina Smack, Public Policy Coordinator
Public Policy Meeting Agenda
Attendees: Hanna, Krystina, Erin, Brian, Amy, Caitlyn
- Introduction – 5 minutes
- Team Member Roles – 10 minutes
- Past-President
- NSPS- Nutrition Services Payment Specialist
- PPC- Public Policy Coordinator
- SPR- State Policy Representative
- CPC- Consumer Protection Coordinator
- Student Policy Team Member
- Plan of Work – 10 minutes
- Overview
- Review Proposed Plan 2022-2023– edits suggested during meeting:
- Add to item 3D- add State Attorney General’s Office and access to reimbursement
- Anthem discussion update- 10 mins- (See 2nd page for update)
- Hanna to reach out to Emily Wiechert Bryant for lead suggestions.
- Present to full board during August meeting.
- Need to follow up with where letters can be sent.
- Hanna to reach out to Emily Wiechert Bryant for lead suggestions.
- Medical Licensing Board/(Indiana Professional Licensing Agency ) IPLA- 10 mins- brought all up to speed on concerns with lack of support or connections. Will discuss further at next meeting
- IAND PAC- they still need a Chairperson- ideas?- 5 mins- brought team up to speed. Requested all give thought to who might be interested in serving.
- Next Steps – 5 minutes
Next IAND Board Meeting- August 27th, 2022; in person at American Dairy Association Indiana and virtual option available
Annual Meeting Initiative Team – Ashley Kim, CPI Chair
Annual Spring Meeting Team: July 2022
Hello from the Spring Meeting Team,
We were able to meet for the first time on 7/19/22 with our next meeting planned for 8/23/22.
Topics of discussion:
*We will have an in-person 2023 Annual Spring Meeting. Dates TBD
-also discussing how long of a conference to have (2 days vs 1.5 days)
-days of conference will depend on how many CEUs we are offering but goal of 10-13CEU for this year
*Location of meeting is being discussed. Options that were provided:
-Church in Anderson that IAND has used before
-Forum near IKEA but this place is expensive
-at a University; Purdue, Ball State, IU, Marion, etc
-Ivy Tech Culinary Institute
-Plainfield Conference Center
*2023 will be the 100th anniversary for the Spring Meeting. Discussing a gala/fundraiser to commemorate this milestone.
-Hoping someone has old posters and/or Spring meeting paraphernalia to display at the gala
-Will need to propose a new budget line for gala.
*Asked the team to review the strategic plan to discuss at 8/23 Team meeting
Public Intitiative Team – Sarah Wilson, Strategic Partnershiip Coordinator
Public Initiative Team Written Report – August 2022
Plan of Work highlights:
- Collaborate with at least 2 new organizations, associations, etc. annually
- Ideas: Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, Feeding Indiana’s Hungry, Indiana Eating Disorder Taskforce, Student Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics
- Let us know if you have any other ideas or opportunities!
- Promote and strengthen IAND’s visibility
- Continue involvement with State Nutrition Action Committee and Indiana State Medical Association
- Continue promoting use of “Find a Nutrition Expert” database on AND website
- Promote and strengthen IAND’s liaison groups
- Continue liaison presentations at Board meetings and newsletter blurbs
- Add liaison features to IAND website
- Utilize student volunteers to assist social media committee
- 3 wonderful volunteers returned this year with great ideas
- Idea: spotlight student members in newsletter
- Increase recruitment through student dietetic associations, asking current student volunteers, and asking professors/program coordinators for recommendations
- Encourage IAND committees to provide relevant and appropriate content to social media team
- Plan to develop a template that committees can use for requesting social media content to be shared
- Will share quarterly social media toolkits with IAND members to increase knowledge of effective social media use
- National Nutrition Month
- Repeat member spotlights for chance to win free registration to annual meeting
- Create/share opportunities to give back during NNM
- Recognize accomplishments and diversity of RDNs
- Encourage nominations for awards and scholarships
- Create clear communications to share with employers and liaison groups to make sure supervisors are aware of awards and how to nominate someone
- Collaborate with IDEA committee to recognize diversity and inclusion efforts – potentially add spotlights to IAND website for public access
- Meetings:
- Every other fourth Monday of the month from 11:30 am-12:30 pm on Zoom
- Dates: 9/26, 11/28, 1/23, 3/27, 5/22
- Questions or comments?
- Collaborate with at least 2 new organizations, associations, etc. annually
Contact Sarah Wilson, Strategic Partnership Coordinator at
Inclusion, Diverstiy, Equity, Access Initiative Team – Shade Ifekoya, IDEA Chair
IDEA Committee Meeting 7/21/22
Attendees– Dinah, Shade, Katie, Lisa Alexa (apologies from Hannah due prior commitment)
- Review of Prior Actions items from 6/24/22
- Alexa & Annie joined for the 1st time/ Welcome
- Review of 2023 Budget ( budget approved only for $1250) team agreed to change the MISC budget to $250 from $500
- Discuss with Team which diversity events to spotlight and How ( Social Media/ Newsletters )
- Hannah suggested to have interns work on a calendar of all Holidays for the year so that the IDEA can decide which Holidays are appropriate for the IDEA committee to highlight or focus on for the year.
- Girls Scout of central Indiana -Exhibitor request for Circle City- Saturday 9/24/22 & Plan for the day Discussion. Event from 10am- 4pm
- Plan to have a spin the wheel with different colors /each color to represent a food group, Lisa Suggested Spin a Dice to answer question for a prize, also will see if she can get my plate corn hole, Alexa – Suggested information on how to become a dietitian and will come up with a flyer.
- Team agreed on 2hrs time slots 10am- 12noon, 12noon- 2pm, 2pm to 4pm with minimum of 2 people at the booth.
- Shade will order items that can be used for giveaways to participants and ask organizer about parking for the event.
- Dinah will notify Lorna to include information about event call out in Newsletter for July for volunteers.
- -Katie will also send out a call out to Districts Presidents about event
- Boys & Girls Club Bloomington Update – Katie Shepherd –
- Katie shared that the Bloomington Boys &girls club had a cooking group already established & have a well equipped kitchen, she worked with an Intern for the B& G cooking club once /week for 4 weeks. Spent about 45mins for each class. Had 2 different groups – K- 3rd grade, 4th– 6th grade, Offered the same program with both groups at different time. The Boys & Girls club purchased the ingredients needed for the cooking group and recipe saved in the Google drive.
- Boys & Girls Club– Suggested that Standard lesson plan for Visits / consistency of information shared with the clubs to be added to the goggle drive and would like to offer such cooking groups through the Boys & Girls club in Indy. Suggestion to get Dietetic interns involved from IUPUI?
- Shade to follow up with the prior B& G visited for a possible return visit to do cooking groups and how to get material for the cooking group purchased?
- Holiday Calendar
- IDEA team to review the Holiday Calendar Shade sent with agenda for next meeting and come up with Holiday to focus on / have a plan fo the Social media team for the whole year.
- Dinah suggested that the content of information for the holidays to come from the IDEA’s committee
- Next IDEA Committee date– Thursday 8/25/22 at 3:30pm. Shade to send out the Invites with the WebEx link